Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nobody Talks About Wiping

OK, we're finally seeing our boy off to kindergarten. He's always been a bit ahead of the curve, likes to play with kids a little older than himself. He never had problems with moving into his own bedroom, getting off the nipple, adjusting to big boy food or the big boy bed (we waited until pretty late to get rid of the crib). He also jumped right up on the ol' toilet and learned to use it himself in short time. But nobody told us that wiping could be an issue, that we should wean him off being wiped by us or he could have problems at school. He has only been to school for 2 days, but he is still not comfortable using toilet paper and cleaning himself off. He needs help and the school does not offer that. He may experience some problems. They could take the form of constipation, as he may just hold it in rather than have to do his best or worst at wiping and return to class. Hopefully this one will iron itself out as so many other issues have. He's a brilliant little fellow who should figure it out in short order.

It's pretty strange teaching your kid to wipe his behind. "You take the paper rolled up so it's maybe 4 times thick and reach around, wipe yourself and then look, and then throw it in the toilet. Repeat that, wiping and looking and throwing it in the bowl, and continue until you don't see a big smear of foo foo on the paper. It may take about 4 wipes until it's mostly clean. Then you're good and you can pull up your pants, flush the machine and move on."

I've finally found my purpose!