Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Our boy Evan is now 6 months old. And he is already showing signs of seeking altered states or, I hope, higher consciousness. When left with his burp cloth or small blanket alone for a while, he will drag the cloth over his face. Now I realize this may be the first stages of basic peekaboo games, a kind of hide-and-seek the baby plays with others once the face is recognized as the source of communications. But Evan seems to do this rather as a game with himself, to blot out his own visible field and enter a kind of eyes-open unknown. He begins to giggle or murmur softly and that builds until he is not quite hysterical in his disorientation. He seems to enjoy it, as he does it repeatedly. It's quite bizarre but also kind of amazing, whether an expression of the tendency towards addiction, a drug-like experience, or his looking for experience and testing himself in a kind of low-tech isolation tank. When I pull back the cloth from his face he has a wild eyed look with a soft smile. It will be interesting to see how this develops; of course, as much as we want an extraordinary baby, we hope it is in a way "entirely normal".